Love, the greatest Gift of all

I don't know but it looks like my soul is re-falling in love... Recently when I type on this blog the only thing that comes to my mind is Love.... I know some will be turned off because we are a generation that has given up on love that doesn't believe it exist, some even think no one knows what love is, so since we all don't know it, how can  we even begin writing or saying anything about   love?
Those I have a privilege to know personally, they know how much I believe in love, how it puts a smile on my face, how it brings light in my life and how it warms my heart. Yes I love " Love", I know sometimes it doesn't feel as warm as I would want it, but I still give all, to experience it.

My Spiritual father usually say that the Bible is a love story about "How God lost His lover and how He got Her back". Although I don't have much of an insight as he has in relation to that theory, but in the Bible I have learnt so much about Love, in all its forms (love for a spouse, love for children, for parents as well as love for neighbours). I know most might have negative experience when its come to love, in all or some of the above mentioned forms, but the truth is, it is in our human nature to love and to have a need to be loved. No one teaches an infant that there is a thing called love, but every baby wants to be embraced, some will cry the whole night just to have someone carrying them in their arms, and sing a lullaby. So whether you strongly want to believe that you don't believe in it, let me tell you a secret, YOU NEED LOVE...

I know for sure that most of the time we misinterpret it, we misread the signs we try to recognize it  based on our experiences, but that might not be a proper yardstick to see whether its real love or not.
For comfort though, there are real similarities between how God loves us and the way we supposed to love those we are in spousal relationships with. Picture this... a man sees a woman, and he wishes to talk to her, the woman would take her time before even saying hi to this man, Then the guy will go out of his way to get to know this woman who has caught his eye. He will pursue her up until she start believing that the guy loves her for real ( NB:this was before Social Networks) lol. This is how exactly we get to know God, He loved us before we knew He existed, He ensured that He created an environment that we could live and carry out his purpose here on earth, however, it always take some convincing to believe that God loved us so much that he could give us himself to die for us in a cross in his form as Jesus Christ.

As much as we would want to believe that love is that feeling that always makes us smile when we think of those we love, but it goes deeper than that, because it is the law that binds us all together, and the fact that we always want to give it away to other people before we give it to ourselves, changes everything, We often think we hurting other people, but the truth is, when you love yourself you can never hurt another person because you know how to love.
We all look for that special person to love, but the truth is, up until you learn to love yourself, you can never fully experience the feeling of being loved by other people, because no one can ever love you the  way you supposed to love your self.

So as the week is about to start, fall in love with yourself, its not selfish, but it will help you to re evaluate your journey. You don't need to change your hairstyle or your wardrobe before you can think maybe you can start loving and taking care of yourself, just love you as you are. I pray that you realize that God love you as you are, whether you love him or not, but the fact that he created you, there is nothing you can do that can make him change the way he feels about you. Yes he is not impressed with your short comings, but he made a plan for you to get back to that position that he had created for you. You were created to have dominion or to rule, but if you don't align yourself with the Love of God you real delaying the fulfillment of God's purpose in your life.

Lets Love its okey regardless how you've been disappointed, remember Love is Pure....God never gave up on you, so don't give up to those who need your love, they will never be perfect... guess what you WILL NEVER BE perfect either...

with love


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