Is it real the time to quit?

Last night I attended a couples seminar in my church, I was with a friend of mine, and just before anything was said, my Mfundisi quoted these words, not from the Bible but from Myles Munroe " "When the purpose is not known the abuse is inventible" ... so he asked everyone to tell everyone why they got married . We laughed, but when you listen to about 100 people telling why they got married, most of us said Love, was the main reason, some having children, some said sex and we laughed but the truth was that it was the reason why wanted to get married.

You  could hear even in their voices thatthey were speaking about something very close to their hearts their first love..... So when we were all done telling our reasons then we were asked what then changed. Why the some want to live those are with? did people fall out of love, or did those we love change... 

So this made me relies that marriage relationship in particular is like our dreams, we fall in love with a certain dream and when we not getting what we thought we will get  in  realizing that dream, we live it, and look for another one, which we believe that it will give us more satisfaction or fulfillment. I know some of you are not married so they can not relate with being married, but to give you an ideas, being married its like being in a room that have only one door, an entrance, but no exit. This is how marriage was supposed to be. This is how we supposed to treat our dreams, more especial if  you know that dream was real a God given vision.
Yes there will be tears, yes you will have to fight to have someone just to listen to your business idea, to believe in it. You will have people who will expect your business to bear fruits in its first months, you will be asked why are you still walking if you are running that business, why are you still driving that old car. On the other side, while you trying  to convince those close to you that you believe this dream will work, you find that you still have to convince yourself that you are not crazy, you did not take a wrong decision by following a particular dream. So maybe if we can look at our dreams with a different eye, lets look at it as something that is not just for us, but something between us and God.
Just before you quit, remember the first goose bumps you felt when you thought of that dream unfolding, when you saw your dream coming true, because whatever you want to achieve God has shown it to you, whether you believe in God or not, you have seen yourself marrying that hunk, that beautiful woman, having those kids, driving that beautiful car, staying in that beautiful home. 
It is my prayer that just before you decide to quit... remember the first time you fell in love...  
with love


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