See the Light

If I can start to share what has transpired since the last time I was on this platform, it would take me a very long time to get to the point that has  brought me here today. 

I might have mentioned how life has humbled me, but I dont think it meant what it means righr now. 
I might have mentioned how grateful I was, but I had no clue it felt this way. I am grateful for the beautiful light in my life, as it always direct me to a place of peace , place of love and contentment . 
Life is seasonal, when its winter in your life, take note and get ready for your summer, make sure that during your summer season you gather enough warrmth so that, your winter season do not affect you. 
I have been through all seasons, and my winter decided to drag a bit longer. It fooled me to believe that I am hopeless and the darkness was here to stay. 

I totally forgot that, everything in life flows, nothing remain the same... and the pain and fear can never last forever. The light always come in the break of dawn and that is the universal law, it will always come..

 My light is breaking the darkness and my prayer is that, those who are thinking its done with their lives... who are thinking the darkness is forever... guess what..the Light inside you have the power to make you open your physical and emotional eyes so that you can recognise the light that is always there... the Love of  God. Hang a little bit longer, prepare yourself for grateness... its closer than you think..

With so much love ,



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