Embrace your humble beginnings

Every song started with a word, every tree with a seed, every journey with one step....
We all  have big dreams, like high paying jobs, write beautiful music, big businesses, but very we all want to start big, we even have a saying that says " Go Big or Go Home"...

There is nothing wrong with that saying but sometimes we miss little things that make a big dream come true, we want to become Vara Wang in a day, we want to build Rome in a day, we forget that to achieve a bigger dream you must work your way up. I remember I decided to make my own wedding dress. So I took it to a lady who has been in the business for quite sometime. She told me that I should start by making matric dance dresses before I start thinking about wedding gowns, she made me try one of her dresses  so that I can see how the dress is supposed to look like.

She never told me what to work on or change, but to hire a dress from her and then keep on practicing my dress making skills. I kept quite, I felt like crying and a friend of mine who had taken me to her told me that " My friend this lady has been making dresses for a very long time so please don't be discouraged". We went back home and we started the dress from scratch, with my confidence down there, I was so sure that I might have to keep the lady's cell number just in case my dress doesn't work then I can hire a dress from her. I spent sleepless nights trying to get an idea as to how my dress can look like the one I had tried on. I could see the outcome, but I was so scared and confused as to how I get to it. At times I would wake up in the middle of the night and change one thing and go back to sleep. Fortunately I did wear my wedding dress on the day and it was real a blessing that I had made my own dress. In the list of people that did not believe that I had done it, I was one of the people in the list. 

I have made few more dresses since then, and each time I receive an order from a client who have seem my work somewhere my knees still  get weak, but I still believe that I am still becoming the person I want to become. A friend of mine once sent me his song that he had written an composed, I thought it was so beautiful and when I told him the song was amazing, I could hear that he was amazed that someone else could love what he had created.

We all have God given gifts and when we begin to explore those gifts, we often get discouraged when a project doesn't go the way we were hoping it would go. Sometime we even give up even before we start again. Believe me your self esteem will be tested, but as long as the sparkle is still there, you can still tap into your creativity. God gave you a very unique gift, you can be a baker, but you will never bake a cake that taste like cakes that my baby sis bakes, and my grand mother baked, yours will have your signature all over it, but it will be as special. 

We all start small and grow beyond our imagination, no one can ever understand the miracle of how a baby in a woman's womb develop bones, how the seed underground become a seedling. We all have that huge potential to be the best... and it is not in some of us but in all of us. I know some will say how about those people living with disabilities... I would suggest you visit centers where they display their handwork and those who can sing are so amazing. All they need is to be in a conducive environment that allows them to tap into their creativity.

We are all created by God to fulfill his purpose here on earth, we all have a potential to do great things so that his name can be glorified.  Each time I read my article in the Successful Woman magazine, I still cant believe that a girl from kwaMthethwa,  in deep rural arears is contributing to a woman's magazine, which has featured some of the amazing women in South Africa.I still can't believe that I have sat across some of the most influential people in the country and shared my simply ideas with them. The Bible says "our talents  will give us audience of the kings and queens of the world"

Yes your job or your gift, might seem so normal, so common, the truth is God gave it to you to make it something that when He looks at it, he will be glorified. Embrace your humble beginnings they are the base of the greater things to come, your father created the world and everything in it, so you real don't have an excuse not to be the best you can be.  I am embracing mine... please find attached the dress I wore on my wedding day

with love


  1. You made that dress Ntando, wow I must say that you are good. It's a beautiful dress. Put more photos of your work on your website. Keep up the good work dear.


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