The time now is about 30  just minutes before midnight, I have been working and I just thought that maybe let  me share something with whoever will come across this piece of writing hopefully on the 17th February 2014, because this one speaks specifically about this day we are about to break into.
I have a thing about Mondays, as much as we call them blue Mondays, but for me they are always a day where I feel like I have been afforded another chance in life to do things differently, to develop myself and be better than the previous week. When I used to play ladies soccer, our coach used to say," You are as good as your last game" meaning, if you excelled in your last game, it doesn't guarantee you that you will always score that spectacular goal, but you need to treat each game with respect and as if its your first and last  one. 
So this day is the day that the Lord has made, whether you feel like everything is falling apart, but you should rejoice in it. This is the day whether things are not coming your way, but you just look for a lesson in them and count it all joy. There have been so many times in my life where I want to kick myself because of the wrong decisions taken, but the fact is that I can never change them. The only thing is to learn and move on. So this is when you remember that the only perfect person ever walk this earth was Jesus, he was sinless, so don't be too hard on yourself. Though each an every day we try to be better than the previous day, but we can not live in the blame land where by we blame ourselves for husbands that left us, or kids that are in drugs. Yes we might have contributed in one way or another in the things happening in our lives, but it doesn't solve anything if we cry and do nothing about it.
I usually tell my friends that crying is cute, but it doesn't change the status quo. If you feel like crying to vent out your anger and disappointment go on and do that, but remember it will not change anything. As a very smart lady once said for a marriage to work " You need to take our high heeled shoes and WORK" . For me that is life in general, life is about putting in your efforts, and most of the time smaller inputs equals to smaller output.
 So today is Monday, it is not a Blue Monday, it is a day that the LORD has made and you will rejoice in it. The worst thing that can happen to us is to loose a loved one, but other than that, we can make it a day that we will always look back and remember it as a day we started to live.
Yes to live, when you go after your dreams, when you disregard all your circumstances and concentrate on your goal. It can be done, because I have done in so many times... when everything feel and seem so impossible, but I just ignore and tell myself that God will never ever take me to a place where his name will not be glorified. I wont lie, there has been times where I was never happy with what I was trying to achieve, but I never use that as an excuse to give up. Just today I was telling a very special friend of mine that " GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION" we can only surrender when we are certain that it is God's will for our lives, when we are at peace with not achieving that particular goal, then you know that God has other plans for you. As we know it is only God's plan for your life that will prevail.
So this is your day, own it, you don't deserve to die in a road rage, you don't have to allow any one steal your joy from you. Be at peace, make the most of your God given talents, touch other people's lives, be the light where you are so that people can see the love of God through you. We all have issues that we are dealing with, but we will come out of them stronger... Be the best.... This is real your day and all the blessings that come with it... I pray that this week is a week filled with opportunities, but most of all, LOVE ...
Be blessed


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