This is My Script...

Wow, I cant believe that it has been this long since one had made time to type something on this page, sometimes I wonder why I started... I know, I'm not the first to ask that question about my blog " she hardly post any thing , so why be a blogger"... Maybe in my effort of reminding myself as well why I started...

Other than the fact that I have so much to say, God blessed me with most amazing gifts, one of them is writing, it is one of my dreams to write a book. Again, what's so  special about writing a book, most people have done it... yes there isn't  anything special , but my book will be about a woman from a very average background, who has failed in life, a dreamer like some of us.... let me stop there before I give the whole summary. Yes it is coming ....

About 2013, firstly a very big Thank you for being part of awami growth, whether in my personal capacity or business side of things, I can not lie, 2013, was one of those years, one looks at and know that it was purely by God's grace that they made it through. 
Beginning of June I was admitted in hospital because I didn't have enough blood... scary stuff neh... that reminds me that guys those who are healthy enough please do donate blood it is very important, there are things we can buy in life, but blood and breast milk are real priceless because they can never be bought....

A lot happened, we met most amazing couples, we can never forget the most amazing weddings we were part of, Mpume and Malusi, Nhlanhla and Oupa, Thuso and Mpfhumeni ( I hope I got the spelling right, I always messed it up), and recently Thabani and Nonkonzo. I must say, I am very certain that they all going to last because all these guys love and fear God. 
What so special about doing weddings, is witnessing love and friendship between the bride and the groom.In this day and age where people do not believe in true love, being in a loving atmosphere is a blessing... One thing that I have come to believe and no one can change my mind about love is what is written in 1Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres....It is my prayer that, they always remember these words in their journey. Those who haven't found love though, don't worry all will be well in good time.

So 2014, we almost at the end of the first month, I'm sure that  we have started implementing our new year's resolutions, if you haven't, its not late you can still start.

Last year one had a privilege to be in the presence of some of the most influential people in the world, and all of them had one thing in common, " They wanted to change the status quo" , whatever that might be in their lives or around them, they are not waiting for the government or any one for that matter to do that, but themselves. So Happy 2014, it real does not matter what you claim this year to be in your life, but if your arms are folded, believe me, nothing claimed will come to be. It all begins with you, God bless the work of your hands, not your wishes...

For me I have decided to call 2014, the year I write the script of my life, so that I can choose to be a star or a victim, a winner of a looser... This is my script, you can do the same, yes there a will be inevitable cases, but we still decide to be victors or victims... I hope this touches some of you to write their own scripts, remember we were all created to shine " ALL OF US", we are the children of God and our playing small does not serve any one...

Be blessed and keep on shining...

With love


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