Its real not that impossible

Long time no writing....
Yes its real been a long time since I had taken time to write, yes I was not always busy, but artists know that we don't always have something to say or to write about... but today I mean yesterday the 22nd, I woke up with this drive in my heart, a day ago  I  received a request for a quotation for a an under the sea theme décor, I remember after talking to this client who wanted this, I laughed my lungs out knowing that there was no way I could do the under the sea theme. He sent me the picture of the décor he wanted, I looked at it and it looked like a photo shop edited picture, which gave me an impression that what he wants might not be necessarily possible to achieve. So I decided that in the morning I was going to call him and tell him that it was impossible for me to do what he wanted.
I remembered what my younger brother Malusi had told me, that there are places where you can hire almost anything you need... then I took my chances and made a call, I was told to set up an appointment, I went there and there were the elements that I could use for my décor, I was so happy and that just set the tone of my day. I knew that my day had to be good because I spent my morning around the things that inspire me. 
To be honest, what made me more excited was that I did not give up, yes the décor looked crazy and impossible, but now I have a plan how I will do it. I know in life there are always times when we think this is impossible to do, I can not do this, however, just for today, go crazy, just do one thing that you thought it was impossible to do. We all have great ideas and whenever we are about to go after them, we hear that voice inside saying " Are you for real?, do you real think you can do that?" then immediately, we conclude that we can not do it, we just become crippled. Just for today when you hear that voice saying that to you, please be harsh and tell it to shut up. God did not give us the spirit of fear but the spirit of Love and the sound mind. The only fear we supposed to have is the revelation fear of God... where we don't real fear him because he will kill us or something, but we acknowledge his presence so that we monitor our thoughts and acts.
The Bible says there is liberation to those who are in Christ, but we live in fear, we are always scared that things will not work out. Recently when that spirit visit me, I always ask myself  " Who is this God we serve, isn't He the one who created heaven and earth, the one who knew me before I was born." So why am I minimizing him in my life, why do I think he can lead me to a place where his  name will not be glorified". So if you reading this blog and you feel like you can not do that thing... you are the only one who knows what is it, just remember that you can do amazing things that your little mind can never even comprehend, because you are created in His image, so when you start doubting yourself, you actually doubting the one who lives inside you, you doubting his greatness.
You might have failed so many times before, but that failure is one of the ingredients of this amazing person you have become. Lets make today count, lets do one positive crazy thing, you will be surprised how it can change your life...
With Love


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