HE is my Jehova

 ……The author of my life
My current whats app status is “He is my Jehova”.  I’ve been saying this a lot lately and it was real not a big deal as it came naturally for me to type these words in my social media platforms, even in my diary.

 So today someone asked me, what I meant by “ He is My Jehova”….
It got me thinking, I smiled obviously as those who know me personally know that, that is one thing I do when I'm happy, or not so sure what to say or do. So I did not answer this person, but I thought about what I real meant when I say these words. I remembered that at school we were taught that you must fear God and respect him or else He will punish you… at church, I was taught about a punishing God, wherever I went, I was introduced to this God who would only bless me because I have been a good person or I have been obedient. Up until I met God, the God I call My Jehova, the God I tremble just thinking about what he has done in my life,
The Jehova…..
Who loved me before I didn’t know he existed, who chose the most amazing parents to be my passage to this world, who through their amazing love, I knew that there is something called Love, there is something called success and I was supposed to work towards it. I remember when I was still in high school, my mom used to teach me that “Perseverance is the mother of success” little did I know that , those words will be my daily bread in my adult life in every sphere of my life…
The Jehova…..
Who blessed me with the most amazing siblings, I have written so much about them in my previous blogs, so you have a clue how amazing they are and how much of a blessing they are to me. When everything is going the way it supposed to in your life, you real never learn to appreciate those who makes your journey feel a bit bearable or who make it a bit easier, up until you feel like you are walking through the valley of death, then you realize that you need your God next to you, then he reminds you that, you are not alone, he has already blessed you with people to hold your hand and walk with you out of that valley.

The Jehova…..who when I was so weak physically and my doctor, was so surprised how I was still walking, let alone play soccer, because the blood in my body was way below the minimum required blood for a person to leave… there and there, I knew there was a God, and this God real loved me and he had given me another chance to live, it was up to me to decide what is it that I do with my second chance…. Waste it or change someone else’s life, even if it meant one soul.

The Jehova…..who at some stage I wanted a child in my life, and when I realized that I was not falling pregnant, who whispered to me and said “ Be Still and Know that I am God”, these words were felt by heart and I knew that they should be from God, because my heart is not God…

The Jehova…..who have held me in the palm of his hand every morning I wake up, I have air in my lungs and ideas in my head… who gives hope, my own TD Jakes who tells me that “ The only number that does not effect change in other numbers is 0, so unless I am a zero, then I should find comfort in knowing that there are people in my community who still can make use of my help, but they are still destitute. 

That is my Jehova who sent his son to die for me, take all the sicknesses both physically or emotionally on the cross, so that I can live and carry out my purpose in life.

That is My Jehova, My Healer, My Redeemer, The Alfa and The Omega… I know you have met him too, if you think not, please look back and you will see HIM, in your life...

With so much Love and Hope


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