Amazing Grace

                                        Here we go again...

It’s been six months since I took time to write in this space, and I haven’t been too active in any social media platform, I guess I needed some time to reflect without all the pressures that comes with exposing one's life.

For me 2016, was a year to learn, more especial in terms of developing my business. Though there isn’t much to show for that, but I’m happy with the business person I gave become. We however closed in a “low" with my family as we lost a loved one again. This blog is however not about the pain and challenges that we went through in the past year.

It is about the amazing grace of God, personal lessons have taught me that as much as it very good to plan your life, but it is only God's grace that makes it all happen. I am not discouraging the habit of planning its good as it shows that we are some sorts of visionaries. 

My prayer for 2017 is God's most Amazing Grace to be on my side and all those who have big dreams for their lives. I have learnt in the most painful way that when we sing songs like "Kwahlalwa phansi, kwahlelwa konke ngempilo yami" , loosely translated "Our lives have been pre-determined". We sing them so devotionally and yet we get close to losing our minds when things don’t happen the way we have planned them. Even the Bible says in Proverbs that “Many are the plans in a man's heart, but its only God purpose that prevails."

It is real God's plan that prevails, and if you happen to be blessed and whatever you have planned plays exactly the way you have planned it, it is purely God's grace. This is not reducing your hard work and sleepless nights, but you are not the first one to graduate top of your class and don’t get a job or work the hardest but your efforts goes unnoticed. 

So as we soldier on to this amazing year we have begun, maybe it’s about time  we remember that God's will in our lives have a final say, as much as we doing our best.

For me, it has been made very clear that this year is the year my life will take a completely different direction that I have never even imagined for my life, but I have faith that God will never take me to a place where His name will not be glorified! 

Life is an extremely short moment, which we often get to know about its shortness, when we approach its end and then we look back and wish we could have done better. When we wish we could have forgiven, worked hard, lived more, but most of all, shared the greatest gift of all LOVE.

As I take a step in this new year, it is my prayer that God, blesses each and every one reading this piece and His spirit as a living God becomes the fire that propels us when we feel like it is too difficult to soldier on, or we are not good enough to achieve whatever we have set our minds to. May His spirit be the force that reminds us that He lives in us no matter what we have been told about our short comings, He dwells in us as we are, because He did create us. As we achieve our dreams, whether big or small, can we always acknowledge that it is really and purely HIS AMAZING GRACE, that has decided to give me and you another day. So to God be all the Glory and I am real grateful for the new journey in my life and I know, He is with me... 

By the way, He is with you too.

With so much Hope and Love



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