Your God given vision

We've all heard people telling what went wrong in the garden of Eden... But last week, I learned another explanation, which is totally different from anything I have heard before. This is not a sermon, I am not qualified to give a sermon, but its something that touched my heart and influenced how I have come to think about my vision in life in general.
God created Adam and gave him tasks to man the garden of Eden.. As we all know the story Eve was also created so that she can be a helper to Adam... After we see the devil in a form of a snake coming into the picture and seducing Eve to go against what God has clearly instructed Adam that not to do.   When the sin has been committed, we read that God came and asked Adam about what had happened... but why would God ask Adam?, he was a victim the woman was the one who suggested that they should eat the fruit. Just before we start blaming God for being an unjust God, we remember that God had shared his vision of the garden with Adam not Eve, therefore the only person who is accountable for the comings and goings of Eden is Adam...
As children we all grow up wishing to be something great, it might a career that some people look down upon, but that was your dream and there is nothing wrong with that. As we grow, we start thinking that our childhood dreams are not good enough, we must move with times and in the process we loose what God has placed in our hearts as His vision for us. There is a saying "If you want to kill a man's vision, give him another vision." The sad thing is that it is very seldom that, the new vision come to pass because it was not your own vision and it is almost impossible to accomplish something that you did not see in your mind...
We often find ourselves in positions, businesses, marriages even driving cars that we DO NOT enjoy, just because other people thought it was a good idea. We find ourselves very depressed and we wonder what is the problem..
So lets search our hearts, lets remember what role we were created to play on earth. God given vision do not satisfy just the person realizing it, but also those around him or her. We are blessed so that we can be a blessing to other people.  We all have God given vision... tonight, I am claiming back my vision, and I pray that one day I remind you that this was it.. Please share yours with us,  so that we can encourage you when you feel like giving up, because that feeling will come at some stage... Great voyages are those shared with like minded people... Be blessed in your way up, "because the bottom is over crowded" Ps. Jerome.
With love


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