Count Your Blessings... you will be so amazed!

            You will be so amazed!

I can still remember clearly the Sunday I opened my eyes and felt grateful and so much peace in my heart. I felt love and I thought I was dreaming. I called out “Sthandwasami”, and there was no response, looked at my wall, saw the picture of my dream home still there, surely I am not inside it, then I listened for some cartoon sounds, and heard none, again surely there is no child in the house… I was even tempted to go to the garage to check if my dream car was there…but I was starting to realise that nothing had changed, it was my life as I knew it. Then I wondered why? Why I felt so happy and at peace? As I pulled my blankets, I couldn’t help but feel the cold breeze and I realised that I had been warm the whole time, I was under blankets and was warm the whole night. Then I got out of bed and had a glance of my face on the mirror, I looked so cute and “healthy” if you know what I mean by “healthy” lol, yes I realised that I was alive, there was air in my lungs and it didn’t look like I had been starving. As it was starting to make sense…

 I thought to myself that I should get ready and prepare for church. I tip-toed to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, as I opened the tap, I remembered that a week ago I was home and was struggling with water due to the draught in KZN. As I opened the tap I made sure that I don’t spill any of it and again I felt grateful. I quickly took a hot shower, when I was done I opened my closet, guess what… there were clothes wow…and, I had to choose, can you imagine?, choosing what I want to wear, on top of it all, some of them, had a label that I could not ignore “awami “. I stole a smile knowing very well that no one can see me, but I was like wow this is cool, my own clothing label wow I pulled out a cream white dress, obviously courtesy of awami creations, as I put it on, it had to look nice on me, I had made it to fit me, to communicate to the world that I am a simple soul.

 I was just all smiles, I quickly finished and made my face to look even prettier, I kept on smiling, if someone had seen me they would think I had lost it, but in fact I had finally got it. I took my bible, “The Woman’s Spirit Filled Living Bible, I opened it just checking if there wasn’t anything inside that I wouldn’t want to drop at church, this bible was a birthday gift from a couple, they were very close to my heart, and I remembered that God had not just blessed me with friends, but with people who would give me tools to navigate this moment we call life. I opened the garage got inside my car, and drove to church, again as I drove out the garage, the question I had woken up with was gone. I was real blessed, I had everything I needed as a human being, I have an amazing family who are my most precious gift God has given me, including those he has chosen to take back to him, but they remain very special in my heart. The church service was great, but I realised that the real praise and worship, the real teaching I had been missing for all these years, has been knowing that I am blessed, not just me, but all of us are blessed, we might not see it that way now, especial if you are reading this, it means you have access to the internet, can you imagine how much you can do with that access. 

We always feel bad to count our blessings because we feel like people will think we are showing-off, but when things are going wrong in our lives we cry for the whole world to see our pain, to see our suffering, as much as we often think that in our weakness, the strength of God is magnified, that is not true, God does not need us to suffer so that we can see his glory in our weakness. His sovereignty is not dependent on anything, His greatness remains, whether we choose to magnify our challenges, more than his love in our lives. Yes there are times when we feel like he has left us, but I have come to realise that it is impossible for us to be separated from God because when he created humankind he "breathed" his breath into us, meaning, we can never be without him. Whether we choose to count our blessings or not it does not even dent his greatness, however, it is in that exact moment that we realise the possibility of our own greatness, the possibility of the things we can achieve while we are still here on earth. Life is a very precious gift and I pray for the day we treasure it and we acknowledge how much of a blessing it is to wake up each morning, whether we don’t have anything to eat that morning, but the fact that we have woken up gives us hope that maybe before the same day ends our lives might have changed. Count your blessings, name them one by one, you will be amazed how God has blessed you, you will be amazed how much he shielded you when you thought everything was falling apart in your life, he allowed bad things to happen to your life, but he saved your soul, he knew that he will not take you until other people’s lives are impacted by yours. You are an amazing soul, the most special creation of God, whether you choose to believe it or not, but you are blessed and highly favoured….

With so much Love and Hope


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