
Showing posts from 2016

Count Your Blessings... you will be so amazed!

Count Your Blessings...             You will be so amazed! I can still remember clearly the Sunday I opened my eyes and felt grateful and so much peace in my heart. I felt love and I thought I was dreaming. I called out “Sthandwasami”, and there was no response, looked at my wall, saw the picture of my dream home still there, surely I am not inside it, then I listened for some cartoon sounds, and heard none, again surely there is no child in the house… I was even tempted to go to the garage to check if my dream car was there…but I was starting to realise that nothing had changed, it was my life as I knew it. Then I wondered why? Why I felt so happy and at peace? As I pulled my blankets, I couldn’t help but feel the cold breeze and I realised that I had been warm the whole time, I was under blankets and was warm the whole night. Then I got out of bed and had a glance of my face on the mirror, I looked so cute and “healthy” if you know what I mean by “healthy” lol, yes I re

HE is my Jehova

HE is my Jehova  …… The author of my life My current whats app status is “He is my Jehova”.  I’ve been saying this a lot lately and it was real not a big deal as it came naturally for me to type these words in my social media platforms, even in my diary.  So today someone asked me, what I meant by “ He is My Jehova”…. It got me thinking, I smiled obviously as those who know me personally know that, that is one thing I do when I'm happy, or not so sure what to say or do. So I did not answer this person, but I thought about what I real meant when I say these words. I remembered that at school we were taught that you must fear God and respect him or else He will punish you… at church, I was taught about a punishing God, wherever I went, I was introduced to this God who would only bless me because I have been a good person or I have been obedient. Up until I met God, the God I call My Jehova, the God I tremble just thinking about what he has done in my life, The Jehov

My Beautiful Sisters, My Brothers

My Beautiful Sisters…. My Brothers Yes My beautiful Sisters My Brothers… I call you my brothers because you play a role of being brothers to me… you protected me when I was scared,  fed me when I was hungry, and clothed me when naked. When I felt like God was too far to hear my prayers I ran to you, not even once you turned me away, you always had some wise words to tell me, you tried your best to make sure that no one could hurt me, and if I was already hurting you searched for comforting words to sooth my pain… If it meant crying together with me, that’s what you did so that I could feel that I am not alone… hence I call you My Beautiful Sisters my Brothers…. When those who were supposed to protect us left… God doubled your strength He made you very strong so that you can protect our family, you became brothers that I could be proud of, you became the pillar of our family and you made sure that when our parents look at you they see the miraculous works of God… h

Nothing but the TRUTH

I know those who know me in person will laugh when they read my tittle, I will not give the inside joke away though... I know its been months since I posted anything, I guess I had what they call the writers block,  or I was just trying to deal with everything that has been happening in the year 2014. This was not a greatest year to be honest, a year filled with so much loss in my life. I real thought 2013, was bad, but 2014, was even worst.    As much as this year was so painful for me, but somehow there was so much growth that came with it, I learned so much in both my personal and business space, however the greatest lesson was that life is so amazingly short, I once posted a piece titled " Life is just a vapour", I think then, I still didn't get it that life is real like a blade of grass, a petal of a rose, a mist that disappears each time the sun rises. In the same spirit I learnt to appreciate those in my life, who made all the aforementioned loss feel a bit