The Lord is My Sheperd

Last night before going to bed, I felt like reading a very well known scripture, the Psalm of David " Psalm 23"... I remember when I was growing up, at my primary school we use to recite it almost every day " uJehova ungumelusi wami, angiyakuswela" meaning the Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want.....

In my spiritual walk with Christ, I've always wished my teachers had explained this scripture to us, because then it was like a poem that we say as a prayer and I was so certain it is a prayer. I wished they should have explained it that this what God is to us, regardless of our circumstances. David was not a saint in the Bible, he fell so many times and he committed most sins that we can think they are unforgivable, but he was able to call God his shepherd, who will do so many wonderful things for him, who will never leave or forsake him.

I know as human when we feel like we haven't been to church in a long time, we feel ashamed even to pray, we create space between us and the Lord because we feel like we are not worthy to be in his presence. We disregard that Jesus died for all our sins, we were not alive when he died, however we are certain that when God sent him he had us in His mind. 
When our dreams are not realized, when we feel like our prayers are not being answered, we always forget that the Bible say " Everything works together for good for those who love the Lord and are called into his purpose. I would love to believe that we all love the Lord, but when dark days come we can not see them working together for any good. I remember in 2009, we had been fasting with the prayer group, and on the 3rd day of our fast, I received the news of the passing of my baby brother. It felt like my heart was literally torn apart, I knew God loved us, but I could not understand how his life could be cut so short, when he had just got a job, and was very excited about life. I was very angry with God, I stopped going to church, I just didn't know what to say when I had to pray. I can not remember what or who pulled me out of that hole and I started to remember and thank God for the most amazing times we had shared with my  "Boy", (that what I used to call him). He had lived his life, he loved life, God had blessed him with a beautiful daughter u Lwandle.... u Obami bomi yes she was his Life... Maybe he has lived his life that God had called him for and everything had worked together for the good for him, but my little mind could not understand that. 

Sometimes we walk in the different forms of shadows of death, when everything have no meaning, when we loose meaning of what it means to be loved, when we not getting the jobs we want, those we love the most hurt us the most, when we go to bed without food, not knowing where the next meal will come from... yes some may think these scenarios are too extreme, unfortunately they are not, BUT the truth remain, " we should fear no evil", because He is with us, and he always make a way for us...

When the going gets tougher, when the push has come to shove, as we would say... He remains our sole provider, when our little wisdom has ran its course He is there.  Yes He is our Jehova, our Shepherd who say we will step on serpents but they will not harm us, we will drink poison but it will not kill us... that is the Jehova I am talking about, the one who lead Israelites to the promise land, the one who gave His only son so that we can all be saved. Why do we doubt Him when we go through challenges, why do we go back our old ways when we think His promises are not fulfilled... ?

Maybe today you feeling like He is no longer your Shepherd, but remember that whatever we go through, He remains the same and His love is one constant thing we can have faith in. The enemies, might not be the enemies per say, but those people who thought you were not good enough to achieve certain goals, to receive certain blessings... but our ways will never be like his ways and therefore ... no matter what, The Lord is our shepherd and we shall never want, whatever we will ever need is already made available for us.

We are always closer than we think, it is true that when the dawn is about to break it gets very darker, and we always assume that we morning is still far... Lets hang in there, who started the good work in our lives will finish it, he will not leave us, it will never be over until His name is glorified ... "God will never take me to a place where His name will not be glorified", that's what keeps me going in darker days on my life..

Maybe you also have your line or whatever you choose to call it, but the truth is, though sometimes we fall short of his glory but " He restores our souls for His name's sake and he ensures that goodness and mercy follow us, all the days of our lives... that is the Jehova who is our Shephered...

with love


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