"Not giving up is a team effort"

Someone very close to my heart recently introduced me to Ps. Juda's  sermons, from the United State... The above tittle is borrowed from one of his teachings... however it fits perfectly to what I have been going through in the journey  of becoming a business woman.
Since the last time I posted on my blog, I've been meaning to make time to post something as there is so much to be said, but time is not always on my side. If I am not working, I am so tired to even pick up a laptop and type something sensible that can carry my name... Yes, this is a glimpse of what it takes to establish a business, and I'm sure its the same thing for those who have two jobs, or studying as well.
So why am I coming across as if I am complaining??? NO, I am not complaining, but I think it is fair that some of us who have taken that leap of faith, to leave their secured monthly salaries and go to the wilderness of the business world, to tell the tale. I know when we post pictures of what we do,  it always come across like what's the big deal, its just few hanging fabrics, and fairy lights... there is so much that goes behind the scene.
I remember when we were preparing to launch the magazine I am a contributor in (Successful Woman), it was very funny because there were times when we felt like crazy people for believing in something which appeared to be so far fetched but, by the grace of the Lord, it was launched.
I always advise  people who want to go into business,to take their time, find something that they love doing, that would do even if they were not going to be paid for. I am a living testimony that, the going real get tougher at times, those close to me know, when I feel so down because I am so tired and I just wish I could switch off and don't think about anything. When I  second guess every business decision I've made. 
Those are the joys of working for yourself and running your own business, but guess what, this is the most special decision I have ever taken in my life. The fear is inevitable, but the fulfillment that comes with doing what I love is like giving praise to my creator. Just today I was up very early, I had promised someone that I will design 2 logos and send them before 8 am. I did, though he could not get them before 8 because I had send them to a wrong email address, but by 9 am they were in his laptop and it was like music to my ears when I heard how impressed He was with the designs.... I was so happy, it was like I just got paid, but it is the fulfillment that comes with doing what is so close to my heart.
I wont lie this week alone, there were moments, when I cried, I cried because I felt like I should give up, its too much. That is where the support structure comes in, my sisters, who are like a constant reminder of how far I can go, my closest friends who push me to places I thought I could never reach. My dad, my greatest critic, who would rather fight with me than seeing me producing a substandard work, yes that is the team I am talking about. I have two "QA's" my quality assures who call a  spade a spade, I respect their opinions, so they also play a very important role in my business and personal life. So today, this is not meant to motivate any one, but it is meant to remind myself, how grateful I am to have been afforded such a wonderful support structure in my life, who always see the best in me, when I feel like I can not go on, they always remind me that the destination is much closer, than I think. My mom, she is practically part of my company, at times I feel like I report to her... again that is the team spirit effort that makes it impossible for me to give up.
I remember listening to a guy who had lost two businesses but still will not give up, He said, if he had to give up now, all his previous efforts would have been in vain. On the serious note though, God did not create losers in us, he planted seeds of visions in our hearts because He knew that we had a potential to achieve them. He has so much faith in human kind that if we put our mind in what we want to achieve we can achieve anything. God is allowing us to bear witness of miracles happening right in front of us, we've seen the Oprah's of this world, who have  the same 24 hours we have, they started with nothing, but they are the most influential people in the world.
 As I usually say, we can never influence our livelihoods if we don't change our own lives, as Michael Jackson said in one of his songs, that " I'm starting with the man in the mirror" if you want to see the change, be that change, no matter how small it can be, but the status quos would have been changed. I am making my mark, with my wonderful team and the love of God, I know there will be lives awami creations will influence and the bottom is always the best position to start. I am starting at the bottom, please note , I AM STARTING, I am not permanently residing there, its too over crowded... lol... South Africa needs people who will create employment, who will make it a better place to be, lets create legacies that we know that God created us to create..
We all have those people in our lives,  who see the best in us, lets work with them, and not forget that God has already made it possible for us....
And to my support structure: Thank you guys so much, I can never say it enough... you hold a very special place in my heart and I KNOW , GOD is blessing you each and every day.
Be blessed


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