Whats real about "Reality TV"

I'm sure we 've all asked ourselves, "What's real about these TV shows",  though they try to act normal however, they are hardly themselves....
My Spiritual father once said we should only watch reality television only if one wants to create theirs...
So why am I writing about this today? Please note, this is not  about the shows like Big Brother.... We have seen people's lives change in front of our eyes, but we miss the point. They might be about dance, music, business or whatever sensible thing, but the common denominator is the growth that we all witness as those people  develop their lives.
I am a fan of  some of these shows, but maybe for a different reason, I remember seeing the Bachelor and my heart felt heavy, as I asked myself how desperate  one must be to  get married, in such a way that, they would expose themselves to such humility, to be chosen from a pool of people, like a  farmer choosing which bull to slaughter. I am not judging or anything, its not my place to, but there is always a hidden lesson in everything that we see on tv, some intended to be taught, but some are incidentally learnt by  people who choose not to take everything on face value. 
We've seen people developing ideas in front of our eyes, pitching business ideas and obtaining funding for their businesses... yes right in front of our eyes... God created us in his own image, all of us, meaning that whatever any human being can do we can also do, whatever we dream of achieving we can achieve.
So maybe this  year as the new season of the SA Idols begins, maybe one can use this opportunity to develop one area of their lives whereby they can look back at the end of the year and be proud of.  I know we often say that we watch tv during our spare time, but can you imagine, if we all used 30 minutes of our spare time to learn a new skill or develop one of our talents. I AM certain that when that Miss South Africa wins her tittle, or when that musician that we don't know now becomes SA Idol, WE SHALL also have something to show for our 30 minutes.
Some have declared 2014, "twenty for them",  2014, wont just fall in love with you unless you go out there and grab it...
A smart lady once said "If you knew that there is a sea of opportunities, you can grab whichever you want, being rooted in the love of God will help you, as you will be bold knowing that He is on your side and that whatever opportunity you choose to grab, God will make it work."
Go out there.... this is your reality show, and again its your choice to be a starring or a victim... as for me and those in my circle we choose to be victorious...
Be Blessed
with love


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