I am grateful....

Its  real been a while without writing, funny on Thursday while everything was going heywaya the only thing that was in my spirit was to write down my feelings about what was happening at that moment.
 On Saturday we were doing a wedding for a very amazing couple Thuso and Mpfuneni, I real hope I got the grooms name right, because I kept on pronouncing it wrong. So between the running around and the crying when people were not doing what they supposed to be doing, there was this constant praise in my soul, more than anything I wanted to thank God, I just wanted to share with you guys how amazing it is to do something that you love with all your heart. The adrenalin that comes with running a wedding, this is one day you don’t wanna mass up in a person’s life, so knowing that part of it depends on you is quite a huge responsibility. I must say though, it real helps when you shift all that responsibility to God because He is the only one who can make anything perfect and look amazing.
So firstly on Friday we were supposed to live the house with my team at 13:00, but two members of the crew decided to show up at 13:30, I was so angry, I wanted to kill them. Then we drove to the venue only to find that the guys bringing furnisher were running late, the guys erecting the tent had just arrived, but they were also late. As soon as we got there, at first I was a bit mad, but the amazing thing about working with a team that understands you, they were all so calm and they had prepared lunch for us. So we ate and we prayed, more than anything, we prayed that God bless us with the spirit of excellence as well as that every one can see his glory in the work of our hands.
We actually started working at 17:00 pm, and I had to manage the rehearsal with the bridal party, meaning I had to stop and rely on my team to continue with the décor.
So when we were working around 23:00 pm, I felt like I should get the team energy drinks, so one of the new members in the team told me that she didn’t want energy drink because it will disturb her sleep. We laughed so much because we knew that it was not going to happen. With all the weddings I have done, I always work the whole night, not because I choose to, but it just happens. To be honest, around 5 am, I was telling myself that I was not born to do this thing, we so not going to finish and the bride will not like the outcome. I was so close to tears. I did the flowers so I thought they were so ugly…. Yes I was so scared.
But guess what, the wedding was supposed to start at 10:00 am, at 08:30, I was done, took a bath at 09:00 am got into my uniform, wore my make-up and I was even wearing high heels. So yes everything turned out perfectly and I was real humbled… My team was very excited, we had so much fun. I real cannot stop thanking God for giving me guards to decide to follow my dreams.. We are busy updating the website, but some of the pics are available on Facebook.
The ceremony was so beautiful, the vows were out of this world, and there is nothing more amazing than seeing a happy couple, who loves God and crazy about each other… We continue to give glory to God and we pray that in everything that we do as the awami team, may we always remain humble and give all the glory to Him.

Please check the Mafumo album in my facebook page
with love


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