
Showing posts from February, 2014


The time now is about 30  just minutes before midnight, I have been working and I just thought that maybe let  me share something with whoever will come across this piece of writing hopefully on the 17th February 2014, because this one speaks specifically about this day we are about to break into.   I have a thing about Mondays, as much as we call them blue Mondays, but for me they are always a day where I feel like I have been afforded another chance in life to do things differently, to develop myself and be better than the previous week. When I used to play ladies soccer, our coach used to say," You are as good as your last game" meaning, if you excelled in your last game, it doesn't guarantee you that you will always score that spectacular goal, but you need to treat each game with respect and as if its your first and last  one.    So this day is the day that the Lord has made, whether you feel like everything is falling apart, but you should rejoice in it. Th

You have been given a new name " The Beloved"

Yesterday was one of those Sundays where you go to church and come back wishing you could  have stayed longer, craving to hear more...   So on my way back home I heard the song "Ngaphiwa igama elisha: Nginguthandiwe" , which simple means, "I've been given a new name, I AM LOVED".... It was my first time hearing the song but I don't know I couldn't stop thinking so deeply how much God has loved me. I looked back in my life, I heard all the names that I have been called, some that I had given myself when I did not do my best. I remember calling myself an 'average child", because I was never good enough, I was just okey, I was never excellent, I was never the best, so that stuck with me, but it had to change, I had to change it, because I AM LOVED by God and the life of mediocre does not glorify His name.   Hearing this song made me remember all those people who in my position, who maybe wanted kids and did not have them, some wanted to ge

Whats real about "Reality TV"

I'm sure we 've all asked ourselves, "What's real about these TV shows",  though they try to act normal however, they are hardly themselves....   My Spiritual father once said we should only watch reality television only if one wants to create theirs...   So why am I writing about this today? Please note, this is not  about the shows like Big Brother.... We have seen people's lives change in front of our eyes, but we miss the point. They might be about dance, music, business or whatever sensible thing, but the common denominator is the growth that we all witness as those people  develop their lives.   I am a fan of  some of these shows, but maybe for a different reason, I remember seeing the Bachelor and my heart felt heavy, as I asked myself how desperate  one must be to  get married, in such a way that, they would expose themselves to such humility, to be chosen from a pool of people, like a  farmer choosing which bull to slaughter. I am not jud