
Showing posts from July, 2013

Life is but a vapour

I remember in high school, those who were in boarding school will remember that, going to church was not an option, but it was one of the rules... so there was this old Pastor who used to preach, after his sermons he would do the altar call, so each time he would sing " Umuntu unjengembali eqhakaza namhla, ngakusasa isibune nya" which is literally translated as " A man is like a flower, that blossoms in a day and dies the following day" ..This is a funeral song, but it depends in which context you want to interpret it. It was meant to make us realize the importance of accepting Christ on that particular day because no one is promised tomorrow. So today  I couldn't stop thinking that if I had sang the song with an understanding,  and taken it seriously that " life is but a vapour", what would I have done differently. Would I have chosen commercial subjects knowing very well that I'm not good with numbers? would I have done a course that was go

Your God given vision

We've all heard people telling what went wrong in the garden of Eden... But last week, I learned another explanation, which is totally different from anything I have heard before. This is not a sermon, I am not qualified to give a sermon, but its something that touched my heart and influenced how I have come to think about my vision in life in general.   God created Adam and gave him tasks to man the garden of Eden.. As we all know the story Eve was also created so that she can be a helper to Adam... After we see the devil in a form of a snake coming into the picture and seducing Eve to go against what God has clearly instructed Adam that not to do.   When the sin has been committed, we read that God came and asked Adam about what had happened... but why would God ask Adam?, he was a victim the woman was the one who suggested that they should eat the fruit. Just before we start blaming God for being an unjust God, we remember that God had shared his vision of the garden with A


A friend of mine suggested that I started a blog, to be honest I laughed and I thought it was too much for me, I couldn't do it... So this past weekend I attended a funeral and somehow during the proceedings I couldn't stop thinking "how brief life is " , how much we have to give and live for while we still breathing. Each and every day we listen to songs, we read books, we watch movies, and can we imagined if all those people never take that first step to try and achieve their dreams. So here I am, I am claiming back my life one step at a time, one hour at a time, and yes one day at a time... I know this might not be as entertaining or full of gossip as some would expect, but this is my little note book where I will get to share, my love, my dreams, my fears as well as projects that the company is engaging on. My prayer is that each day I get a chance to influence one in ten people who will care to read this blog.... So if you are reading this why don't y