
Showing posts from 2017

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace                                         Here we go again... It’s been six months since I took time to write in this space, and I haven’t been too active in any social media platform, I guess I needed some time to reflect without all the pressures that comes with exposing one's life. For me 2016, was a year to learn, more especial in terms of developing my business. Though there isn’t much to show for that, but I’m happy with the business person I gave become. We however closed in a “low" with my family as we lost a loved one again. This blog is however not about the pain and challenges that we went through in the past year. It is about the amazing grace of God, personal lessons have taught me that as much as it very good to plan your life, but it is only God's grace that makes it all happen. I am not discouraging the habit of planning its good as it shows that we are some sorts of visionaries.  My prayer for 2017 is God's most