
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Lord is My Sheperd

Last night before going to bed, I felt like reading a very well known scripture, the Psalm of David " Psalm 23"... I remember when I was growing up, at my primary school we use to recite it almost every day " uJehova ungumelusi wami, angiyakuswela" meaning the Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want..... In my spiritual walk with Christ, I've always wished my teachers had explained this scripture to us, because then it was like a poem that we say as a prayer and I was so certain it is a prayer. I wished they should have explained it that this what God is to us, regardless of our circumstances. David was not a saint in the Bible, he fell so many times and he committed most sins that we can think they are unforgivable, but he was able to call God his shepherd, who will do so many wonderful things for him, who will never leave or forsake him. I know as human when we feel like we haven't been to church in a long time, we feel ashamed even to pray, we create