
Showing posts from April, 2014

"Not giving up is a team effort"

Someone very close to my heart recently introduced me to Ps. Juda's  sermons, from the United State... The above tittle is borrowed from one of his teachings... however it fits perfectly to what I have been going through in the journey  of becoming a business woman. Since the last time I posted on my blog, I've been meaning to make time to post something as there is so much to be said, but time is not always on my side. If I am not working, I am so tired to even pick up a laptop and type something sensible that can carry my name... Yes, this is a glimpse of what it takes to establish a business, and I'm sure its the same thing for those who have two jobs, or studying as well. So why am I coming across as if I am complaining??? NO, I am not complaining, but I think it is fair that some of us who have taken that leap of faith, to leave their secured monthly salaries and go to the wilderness of the business world, to tell the tale. I know when we post pictures of what