
Showing posts from January, 2014

This is My Script...

Wow, I cant believe that it has been this long since one had made time to type something on this page, sometimes I wonder why I started... I know, I'm not the first to ask that question about my blog " she hardly post any thing , so why be a blogger"... Maybe in my effort of reminding myself as well why I started... Other than the fact that I have so much to say, God blessed me with most amazing gifts, one of them is writing, it is one of my dreams to write a book. Again, what's so  special about writing a book, most people have done it... yes there isn't  anything special , but my book will be about a woman from a very average background, who has failed in life, a dreamer like some of us.... let me stop there before I give the whole summary. Yes it is coming .... About 2013, firstly a very big Thank you for being part of awami growth, whether in my personal capacity or business side of things, I can not lie, 2013, was one of those years, one looks at and know